Based in central London, St Paul’s have a long-standing reputation for both delivering a world-class education and producing students with a truly global outlook. First founded in 1509 by the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, John Colet, by 1870 it was named as one of the ‘nine great public schools’ of England. The high standards have been maintained until present day, with the school consistently achieving excellent results at both GCSE and A Level. With a focus on pursuing academic excellence, the school devotes time to consider how they can help the boys leave St Paul’s as well-rounded individuals with an understanding of the world they live in.
As a prestigious and highly ranked independent school, the rush to join St Paul’s school can be frantic. With just fifty-four places available at 7+ and a meagre eighteen places available at 8+, entry to St Paul’s is extremely competitive. As 7 and 8+ entry into the school is closed for 2023, parents must look ahead to 2024 to ensure that their son can have the best chance of a successful admission into the school. Junior school entrance cements a better chance of progression into the senior school at 13+, as the child is automatically registered for transfer to St Paul’s at 13+, on the condition that they have stayed at the Junior School for the full duration of their studies. The next available year for 13+ entry is 2026. Consequently, admission at an earlier entry is imperative.
Stage 1: Registration and References
The first step of the process is to register via an online registration form, expressing your interest and ambition for your child to attend. Registration will open on the 10th October 2022 for entry into 2024 and an early registration is suggested as spaces will fill up quickly. In applying, you will be asked and required to upload a copy of your son’s passport and submit a payment of £175 in the form of a non-refundable registration fee. St Paul’s requires that both parents agree to the application, in the exception in the case of sole custody. After applying, St Paul’s will then contact your son’s current school for a reference (consent is given to St Paul’s to contact for references by applying).
Stage 2: Examinations
The assessment will be a compilation of examinations that will test your child’s current academic level and potential. Candidates will set tests in English, Mathematics and Reasoning. The assessment days for 2024 entry will be early December, for those sitting the 7+ entrance exams and early January, for those who sit the 8+ exams.
At Think Tutors, we can offer a range of tutors from all backgrounds to guide you and your child to success in the 7 and 8+ entry at any independent school, including St Paul’s. We provide tuition that is unrivalled, bespoke and attuned to each individual child and their family. Think Tutors will elevate your child’s confidence while improving their foundational knowledge and understanding.
Stage 3: Assessment, Interview and Offer
Successful boys will be invited back for half-day group assessments. The day will include a Maths and English lesson, alongside a group problem solving task. This day can be difficult for children and so preparation is vital for increased chance of success and acceptance. During this day, the parents will have the opportunity to meet with the Head of St Paul’s Juniors, Oliver Snowball. The assessment day should take place within two weeks of the written test stage and following this stage, successful applicants will be made an offer. Boys are accepted to St Paul’s Juniors on the understanding that St Paul’s will be their first choice of senior school.
How can Think Tutors help?
At Think Tutors, with the assistance of the highly qualified tutors that we can offer, your child will reach success. Organising tuition or mentoring with one of Think Tutors elite tutors or mentors is an excellent way to gain an advantage in the application process. With a 100% success rate for school entrance, our tutors are experts at improving results through practice, comprehensive planning and confidence building. If you are interested in finding a tutor to ensure that your child feels confident and can ease through entrance exams, please contact us.